1412 West Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60607-1821 (312) 733-7776

Retiree Healthcare Information & Packet

Originally Posted on October 13, 2016

The Lodge has been working on a group insurance plan for ALL Chicago Police Retirees, their spouses, and surviving spouses. Mailings were sent out on Tuesday October 18th and the FOP logo will appear on the mailing. All of your questions can be answered by the Labor First team (at 855-979-8840 or 312-248-7251 ) AFTER OCTOBER 17th, please call Labor First directly once you’ve received this mailing. There will also be Open Enrollment Info-Group Meetings held on the North and South sides, important dates and locations are listed below.

Pre-Scheduled Open Enrollment
October 29, 30, 31 at FOP HALL (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)
November 1, 2, 3, 4 at FOP HALL (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)

Open Enrollment Info-Group Meetings (NORTH)
November 1 and 3 at Lone Tree Manor and Banquets
(9 a.m.-Noon)
Located at 7730 N Milwaukee Ave Niles 60714
(No appointments necessary for Informational

Open Enrollment Info-Group Meetings (SOUTH)
November 2 & 4 at Bourbon Street Bar
(9 a.m.-Noon)
Located at 3359 West 115th Street Merrionette Park
(No appointments necessary for Informational

All meetings requiring appointments will be scheduled directly
through Labor First.

Labor First can be reached to set up and appointment at the
FOP Hall by calling 855-979-8840 or
312-248-7251 AFTER OCTOBER 17TH

Open Enrollment Dates are as follows:
Medicare Annuitants & Spouses:
October 17 – December 6
Non-Medicare Annuitants & Spouses:
November 1– December 6
Medicare Annuitant with Non-Medicare Spouse:
November 1–December 6

Premiums for these programs will be deducted from your pension check to assist Annuitants in maintaining the $3,000 HELPS Tax Deduction to which Retired Public Safety Officers are entitled.

Please Click Here to view the 8 page retiree Healthcare information packet.

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Chicago FOP Logo
We pledge ourselves to promote the health and welfare of all Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and their immediate families; to raise and maintain the professional standards of the Chicago Law Enforcement Officer; and to represent Chicago Police Officers in affairs relative to the administration of the department.

© Chicago John Dineen Lodge #7
Website built and maintained by NEP Services