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Keep Up The Pressure!!!!!
Originally Posted on January 12, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2021 Contacts listed at end of release Illinois Law Enforcement Coalition petition drive to oppose several pieces of extreme policing and criminal justice legislation surpasses 100,000 signatures SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Law Enforcement Coalition, a group representing Illinois law enforcement leadership and rank-and-file officers, announced today that an online petition drive to oppose ...

HB 163 -SFA2 !!!!!
Originally Posted on January 11, 2021 Just to clarify…. They changed the bill to HB 3653 SA1 because the sponsor was adamantly opposed to them hijacking her original bill, making it a shell bill, and it coming back to her. You can’t file an opposition slip against the new bill unless they schedule it for committee. They don’t have to send it through committee because the language is substantially similar. It can go directly to the floor for a vote. Keep up the fight! Ke...

Springfield Update
Originally Posted on January 09, 2021 House Bill 841 (Police Licensing) was introduced, and we saw the final version of the bill for the first time on Friday night. As introduced the bill paints officers in a really bad public light for unfounded reasons. This was dumped on top of the other so-called "reform" bill ( HB163 -SFA2) that was introduced earlier in the week. Not all members of the Coalition had input on the bills as introduced. For those Coalition members consulted in advan...

Kill The Bill!!!!! HB163-SA2
Originally Posted on January 09, 2021 PUSH BACK!!!!!! We are asking all members to fill out an opposition slip IMMEDIATELY and have your friends and family join the fight also. This is an attack on not just law enforcement but also labor unions as a whole. Today it is us. If this passes, tomorrow if will be other unions. Go to this link: click here Click “Create Witness Slip.” Fill out your personal info in Section I. Type self in Section II. In Section III, select HB163...

ILFOP Petition Against House Bill 163 SA 002
Originally Posted on January 09, 2021 The State Lodge has set up a petition to stop HB!163 SA002. Please go to https://www.ilfop.org/ and sign the petition. It only takes a few seconds. Thank you and stay safe.

Recent News From The Lodge
Originally Posted on January 08, 2021 Lodge 7 members, As your President, I showed a lapse in good judgement yesterday during an interview. For that I am sorry. I brought negative attention to our Lodge, the FOP family and law enforcement in general. I was in no way condoning the violence in DC yesterday. My statements were poorly worded. I certainly would never justify any attacks on citizens, democracy or law enforcement. After seeing more video and the full aftermath, my comments...

Covid Vaccine To Be Offered By Department
Originally Posted on January 07, 2021 City to Offer Covid Vaccine Shortly The Lodge would like to inform the membership the Department plans on being able to offer CPD personnel the Covid Vaccine in the near future. According to early reports, since the vaccine has a short shelf life the Department is going to be sending out a survey to see how many Officers want the vaccine. The survey should be sent out by tomorrow 08 Jan 2021 via Department email. The vaccine is not mandatory and ...

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We pledge ourselves to promote the health and welfare of all Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and their immediate families; to raise and maintain the professional standards of the Chicago Law Enforcement Officer; and to represent Chicago Police Officers in affairs relative to the administration of the department.

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