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FOP In The News
Originally Posted on August 23, 2017 Updated on August 23, 2017 at 4:50 PMFOP President Kevin Graham makes statement on the reason for decline of arrests… on Chicago Sun TimesChicago FOP President and ACLU Weigh In on Police Reform on Chicago TonightChicago FOP President Kevin Graham: “I think the vast majority of our officers treat everyone equally” on WGN RadioChicago police finalize tighter rules on when to shoot, other uses of force on The Chicago TribuneNew Police Union Head W...

Retiree Healthcare Updated
Originally Posted on August 14, 2017 The Lodge received the following update from Attorney Krislov regarding the August 9th court appearance: Dear Retirees, Wednesday’s hearing was a pretty frustrating experience. We presented five issues, on which we felt fairly confident. 1. Our renewed motion for Class Certification. 2. The judge’s choice of orders to enter for the March hearing at which he ordered audit and reconciliation of the 2013 to 2016 years. 3. The City’s asser...

Retiree Healthcare Court Date Cancelled
Originally Posted on July 31, 2017 We loaded the bus with retirees to attend the Underwood case at the Daley Center and at 9:40 we received a call that Judge Cohen is sick. Court cancelled. We will let everyone know the new date and time as soon as we get it.

Storage Locker Broken Into - Retiree Information At Risk
Originally Posted on July 10, 2017 Retiree application forms must be maintained forever by State Law. The records in a storage vault that was broken into recently are from a time frame spanning 1920 - 1950. The retiree applications are from people who retired during those years. One box was opened and it was the applications from the 1920's. The thief did not take anything, did not open any other boxes and moved onto the other storage units. The records in those boxes are too fr...

DePaul University Offering Four New Degree Programs This Fall
Originally Posted on July 07, 2017

NYPD Fallen Officer
Originally Posted on July 05, 2017 Our prayers are with the family of New York Officer Miosotis Familia, who was murdered today and to all of our fellow officers in New York.

Underwood Vs. City Of Chicago Update
Originally Posted on July 03, 2017 The Appellate Court decision is out and here is a synopsis of Clint Krislov’s interpretation. The covered class entitled to lifetime benefits including all of Class 3 and most of Class 4 that means anyone hire before June 16, 2003 Everyone who became a “participant in the system” (hired before June 16, 2003) by the 2003 settlement is entitled to lifetime benefits The ruling includes Class 1, 2,3 (hired by August 23, 1989) and most of Class 4 ...

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We pledge ourselves to promote the health and welfare of all Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and their immediate families; to raise and maintain the professional standards of the Chicago Law Enforcement Officer; and to represent Chicago Police Officers in affairs relative to the administration of the department.

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